Last Updated on August 9, 2024 by Paola Castillo

Any long-term relationship will eventually experience a waning of the initial spark and passion. The good news is that you can reignite that spark and strengthen your relationship with your partner through thoughtful romantic gestures. If you’re seeking ways how to get the spark back in your relationship, this piece will discuss doable tactics and guidance. These insights, combined with romantic gestures, can assist you in rekindling the love, intimacy, and excitement that can strengthen and enhance any type of relationship, be it committed, married, or platonic.

Romantic Gestures to Get the Spark Back

Small Gestures

Romantic Gestures
Discover the magic of small gestures to bring back the spark in your relationship

You can never overlook the impact of a small gesture, especially when it comes to incorporating romantic gestures into your relationship. Sometimes, when we have the urge to do something for our partner, it can feel like going big is the only way. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Studies show that everyday gestures of love, even small ones, have a greater impact. They can make all the difference to your partner in terms of boosting their mood and confidence.

Think for a minute about the small gestures from your partner that bring you the most joy. It might be a compliment about your physical appearance, a simple hand on your knee or just hearing the words “I love you”. For others, it could be that they remembered to take out the trash, breakfast in bed, or a thoughtful card.

One of our favorite apps, Love Nudge, is the perfect way to start building these positive habits, incorporating romantic gestures into your daily routine. Think of it like a pocket assistant that reminds you to “intentionally express love in ways that are most meaningful to your partner”. Based on the concepts of the 5 Love Languages, you and your partner will discover your love language and set up notifications that will prompt you to perform a gesture that aligns with one another’s preferences. Whether you use this app for the duration of the quarantine or long after, it will help you remember to prioritize your partner and get the spark back in your relationship.

Mental & Emotional Check-Ins

Romantic Gestures
A guide to restoring intimacy through mental and emotional check-ins

Life’s challenges, whether they stem from external factors or the ups and downs of daily living, can take a toll on your relationship. Stress, frustrations, and emotional strain may cause rifts between couples, leading to conflicts over seemingly trivial matters. It’s essential to address these issues proactively to maintain a healthy connection. Incorporating romantic gestures into your routine can play a pivotal role in alleviating tension and fostering a stronger emotional bond.

Instead of waiting for conflicts to arise, make a habit of regularly checking in on each other’s well-being. This practice doesn’t necessarily have to be an intimate conversation; it could be during dinner or while lying in bed. Actively listening to your partner’s concerns and feelings can provide valuable insights into their emotional state.

To strengthen your relationship, consider asking one another the following questions and discussing your answers:

  • How are you doing? Really?
  • Are there any behaviors I can change or be mindful of that bother you?
  • How can I help you today?
  • Is there anything you need from me to feel supported?

By engaging in open communication and incorporating romantic gestures into your interactions, you create a supportive and loving environment that can withstand the challenges life throws your way.

Bonding Activities

Romantic Gestures
Reignite the flame with these enchanting bonding activities

As you most likely already know, there are few things better than finding a hobby that you enjoy with your significant other and incorporating romantic gestures into your shared experiences. While your options may be limited during quarantine, there are still plenty of things you can try your hand at. If it isn’t your forte, no harm done – you’ll just have some good memories. Here are just a few activities to consider to help get your spark back:

Acrobatic yoga 

Disclaimer: you have to be relatively strong to do this. Find a YouTube video with instructions and see how many poses you can do successfully. At the very least, your attempts will be hilarious.

Craft some cocktails 

Set your inner bartender free. Whip up a cocktail of your invention and serve it to your partner – whoever makes the least repulsive drink wins! Afterward, try making some real cocktails and just enjoy the buzz.


If you have a backyard, don’t let it go to waste. Gardening is incredibly rewarding, as you see the literal fruits of your labor. It is a great way to bond as well, so why not put some homegrown food on the table? If you prefer, opt for flowers instead.


The world of baking is vast and a great creative outlet. This takes a lot of patience and practice, but it is a fun and useful skill to have. Start with one easy recipe and see where it takes you. Engaging in these shared activities not only adds excitement to your routine but also serves as romantic gestures, reinforcing your connection and reigniting the spark in your relationship.

Respect the Need for Alone Time

Romantic Gestures
Rediscovering passion in your relationship by embracing the beauty of alone time

While alone time is not essential for every relationship, you may find yourself needing it more often. First, know that it is okay to need alone time, and incorporating romantic gestures into your relationship can make these moments even more special. Don’t take it personally if your partner requests some personal space or alone time. You don’t have to do everything together.

While bonding activities are important, it is equally crucial that you can enjoy your own company. Remember, “distance makes the heart grow fonder.” If anything, some alone time will make you miss your partner, be more appreciative of their company, and will ultimately help get your spark back. Engaging in romantic gestures during these moments of solitude can add an extra layer of connection and intimacy, contributing to the overall strength and resilience of your relationship.

Get Physical

Romantic Gestures
Discover the power of physical connection to rekindle passion in your relationship

Intimacy is important in a relationship but not in the way you might think. Sex is only one form of intimacy, and incorporating romantic gestures is essential in reigniting the spark. By mixing things up, you can form a stronger relationship and find new outlets through which to obtain a physical connection. One way is to enjoy cuddling – not in front of the television but in bed as an alternative to sex. Soak in each other’s presence and enjoy the stillness of it all. You can also kiss but not in the pre-cursor-to-sex kind of way.

A tame make-out is incredibly underappreciated, but it’s a surprisingly great way to connect with your partner. If you struggle with either of these forms of intimacy and would prefer something more casual, consider dancing. Push your living room furniture aside and dance to a few of your favorite slow songs. Wrap your arms around one another and press your bodies close together. Dancing is an effortless way to be physically close to your partner while being intimate. Engaging in romantic gestures and exploring various forms of physical connection can add depth and variety to your relationship, enhancing the overall sense of intimacy and connection.

Keep Date Night Alive

Romantic Gestures
Rediscover passion

Date night has undoubtedly been more difficult, but it’s not impossible. If anything, it just requires that you be a little more creative. With that being said, having a date in these circumstances makes it all much more memorable. Maintaining date night is a great way to ensure your relationship remains fun and prevents the romance from fizzling out.

Coming up with a date night might seem intimidating, but you don’t need to put on a big show for the night to be special. As with small gestures, it doesn’t take a lot to let your partner know that they are loved and appreciated. Need some ideas to get you started? Check out our recent piece, 14 Creative and Memorable Date At-Home Ideas, for some inspiration.

Will you be trying out any of these ideas? Let us know how you are working to get the spark back in your relationship! We wish you and your loved ones health and safety, and we encourage you to continue to stay positive and look forward to the future. Engaging in romantic gestures and creating memorable date nights can significantly contribute to the overall health and vibrancy of your relationship.

Spice Up the Relationship

Romantic Gestures
Revitalize your relationship with these sizzling tips

Another thing that can keep the spark going in a relationship is to add some spice to it through romantic gestures. Opening yourselves up to new experiences can be one of the keys that can unlock a long-lasting romance. It can be an outdoor adventure that you both have never tried but are willing to explore. Or if you do not want to go that far, you can spice things up in the bedroom department.

Try incorporating exciting devices to up the tempo. Of course, women don’t have to be the only recipients. There are also apparatuses for men. For example, there are penis pumps. But to make it fun yet safe, it is best to determine the penis pump size that would suit him best. From there, both partners can look for the right cylinder pump together. Engaging in romantic gestures and exploring new experiences can significantly contribute to keeping the spark alive and fostering a strong, enduring romance in your relationship.

Final Words…

In conclusion, taking a deliberate and proactive approach is necessary to rekindle the passion in your relationship. Together, the seven practical steps—open communication, sharing experiences, emphasizing intimacy, encouraging personal development, expressing gratitude, welcoming spontaneity, and engaging in romantic gestures—help you build a deeper and more satisfying relationship with your partner. Couples can overcome obstacles, strengthen their emotional connection, and recapture the joy and excitement that first drew them together by regularly putting these ideas into practice.

What is an example of a romantic gesture?

Planned and thoughtful dates, such as a picnic, dinner, or weekend getaway, can be a lovely way to show your sweetheart how much you care. Love Notes or Letters: Expressing your emotions to your lover in a kind and intimate way can be achieved by writing loving notes, letters, or charming notes.

Is it possible to get the spark back in a relationship?

In a relationship, it is possible to rekindle the spark. Helpful things include thankfulness, self-improvement, physical closeness, surprises, communication, quality time, and shared interests. Seek professional assistance if the relationship has more serious problems. Rekindling the spark may take some time, but it is possible with effort and dedication from both partners, so patience is essential.

How do you express love through gestures?

– Rather than texting them, pick up the phone and give them a call.
– Return with a memento of your vacation to them.
– Bring their favorite food from home.
– Purchase something for them that you know they are about to run out of.
– Now and then, get dressed up.
– Include them in a meme.

Can you fix a lost spark in a relationship?

Even though there isn’t always a solution for a broken relationship, it is possible to work on a partnership and maybe reignite the spark. It frequently entails having honest conversations, spending time together, fostering physical intimacy, and taking care of any underlying problems. Both partners must be prepared to work hard and make the required adjustments. Professional assistance, like couples counseling, may be helpful in certain situations. The people involved and the particulars of the relationship will determine whether or not the spark can be reignited.

What’s your favorite romantic gesture?

Getting your significant other a bouquet is a romantic gesture that’s simple and accessible to everyone. It’s not always necessary for the flowers to be elaborate or abundant. However, they have to let her know how much they value and adore her. It’s okay if you are unable to locate flowers that suit her particular tastes.

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Meet Kourtney, a writer specializing in sex and relationships. Known for her honest and insightful approach, she explores themes of intimacy and personal growth. Her work combines personal anecdotes, expert opinions, and practical advice, helping readers navigate the complexities of modern relationships and embrace their desires. Kourtney's writing serves as a guide for those seeking authentic and fulfilling connections.