New Year New You: Make 2022 Your Year With These Amazing Products

Last Updated on February 16, 2025

Women writing down her goals for the new year on journal
Start the year with some journaling!

With the arrival of the new year on our minds, you know what that means: new year, new you! Everyone always makes new year’s resolutions, but it’s time to take control and make 2022 your year. But “how?” you might ask. Well, we’ll tell you! There are a few things you need or need to do in order to really get yourself on track this year. So without further ado, here is how to make 2022 your year.

New Year New You: Time Management

Whether you’re a student, a busy mom, or just someone with things to do, time management can be difficult. This is why with the new year, new you mentality you need to invest in some sort of schedule organizer or planner. 

Written planners can be a great option! Writing things down is proven to help you remember things. Here are just a few good options for you:


But if you’re still just trying to dip your toes in, applications like Google Calendar are also great options! Just make sure you bring yourself to actually check them regularly.

New Year New You: Journaling

Life gets stressful. And when life is at its most stressful, sometimes we forget that the best thing we can do for ourselves is take some personal time to feel better. This is where journaling comes in. With the new year, new you mentality, you need to make yourself a priority. Even taking just five minutes a day to get in touch with yourself can be really beneficial.

So we would like to introduce you to the five-minute journal. The five-minute journal is a daily journal where at the end of the day, you answer five simple questions. For example, what are you grateful for? What made (or will make, depending on when you’re journaling) today great? An affirmation to yourself can be “I am proud of myself for…” whatever made you happy during the day or even those things you’re looking forward to.  You could also consider what you could do to make today or tomorrow even better.

This exercise really only takes five minutes and can really help improve your mental state, boost morale, and promote optimism. If you’re interested, here are some really good options for five-minute journals:


New Year New You: Drink More Water

Okay, hear us out on this one. One of the reasons people’s new year’s resolutions fail is that their goals aim too big too quickly. Well, drinking more water is a small and easy change to implement that can have really great health and morale benefits.

Being dehydrated has been shown to throw off the balance of dopamine and serotonin in your body. In addition, having enough water throughout the day is shown to have great effects, such as improving your skin’s complexion, promoting weight loss, and increasing your energy throughout the day. Who wouldn’t want that?

Here are some awesome water bottles you can get to help track the amount of water you’re drinking throughout the day:


New Year New You: Improve Your Environment

Recently, many people have been working from home. If you’re one of these people, you may have noticed it has become more difficult to relax at home. This may be because you’re working from a bed or couch, and it’s difficult for your brain to now separate where you work and where you relax. To help alleviate this stress, make you more efficient, and improve your ability to relax during your free time, you need to work in your home environment.

Make sure that you have a specified space where work happens. Whether this is at a desk, dining room table, or even the couch, make a space or spot specifically for work. It should preferably not be on your bed, but if that is necessary, even a lap desk could help you get in work mode! Try these products to improve your at-home productivity:


As for being able to relax at home, you need to make sure that when you’re done working, you move from where you were working even for a little bit. Get up and stretch, read a book, or even turn on an oil diffuser to help reduce stress. This is going to help your brain go from work mode to relaxation mode. Here are some products that can really help you get into relaxation mode at home:


Even the smallest of changes can make a big difference mentally, and you’ll really start to see the results! And that’s the goal, isn’t it? New year, new you!

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Meet Kourtney, a writer specializing in sex and relationships. Known for her honest and insightful approach, she explores themes of intimacy and personal growth. Her work combines personal anecdotes, expert opinions, and practical advice, helping readers navigate the complexities of modern relationships and embrace their desires. Kourtney's writing serves as a guide for those seeking authentic and fulfilling connections.

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