Last Updated on October 23, 2024 by Prissila Murillo

There’s no doubt about it; babies work hard, especially when it comes to their loud vocal exercises, which often occur at the most inopportune times! If you’re thinking, ‘my baby won’t stop crying’, you’re not alone. We all love some wellness in our lives, and there are several health and well-being tactics you can try to help soothe your baby and prevent those tears.

Wellness Tips For When My Baby Won’t Stop Crying

A Nursing and Feeding Schedule

Nourishment is a core part of life. Babies need milk initially and then move on to solids. If they don’t get what they need, then well, you won’t hear the end of it! Yet it can be tricky to track how a baby’s nutrition is progressing with everything else going on and then the little bits of sleep you get here and there. This is where an infant eating chart comes in handy. Like journaling for health, you can use this simple table to track monthly needs and when to move to solids.

Stop Your Baby From Crying with Contact

Admit it, you love a good hug! It’s okay, most of us do. Hugging releases endorphins that make you feel warm and fuzzy! Contact with others is a primal urge, and it’s used to survive. In a way, babies feel this too. The first 6 to 8 weeks are considered the hardest by new parents as your baby will cry a lot. But you can hug and cuddle the baby to provide a sense of security and release those good old endorphins, just as you have done throughout your entire adult life.

Rocking Gently Back and Forth

One of the oldest tricks in the book for feeling better is movement. There is an entire industry built around it for adults. Exercise, yoga, and pilates are a few of them. Babies also benefit from the effects of movement, which stimulates serotonin release. While you have to put in some work, all it takes for babies is a gentle rocking back and forth. Yes, babies actually feel better and will fall asleep or stop crying when you do all the work. Talk about taking a free ride!

Soothing by Singing

Music is universally recognized as one of the most powerful things that affect emotions. Just by switching on one song, you can go from sad to happy in an instant. Or the other way around! Songs work on an emotional level through a mixture of lyrics, intensity, and rhythm. Of course, babies don’t understand any of that. However, they do respond to notes. Gentle and soothing notes and singing through lullabies will calm them down and provide a sense of security.

Get Out to Stop Your Baby from Crying

When it comes to wellness, one of the first recommendations is to spend time outdoors. Being outside has many positive benefits for adults, and it works almost the same for babies, too:

my baby won't stop crying
Daily walks in nature are life changing!
  • If the weather is fine, take a stroll around the block or visit a park.
  • Public spaces can be good for babies as they adapt to new situations.
  • Sounds of nature and quiet spots are soothing to a baby when outside.
  • Fresh air is good for little lungs and helps with your postpartum diet and health!
  • Meeting other babies is good for socializing, babbling, and even laughing.
  • Babies are known to fall asleep in the car seat when you take a drive.
  • Visit close friends and relatives so they can help with the baby now and then.

If it’s not cold, raining, or too sunny, some fresh air helps babies calm down in their strollers. If you need help, you can use outdoor time to walk to grandma’s home for a helping hand.

How About a Pacifier, Toy or Rattle?

Hobbies are essential for a fulfilling and stress-free life. Well, as stress-free as we can get. Obviously, babies don’t know what hobbies they have, but they sure laugh at ridiculous things. It’s pretty easy to entertain a baby and entertain babies who are happy babies! Or at least quiet for a while. Letting a smart device like a tablet raise your kids isn’t really a good idea. But a favorite cuddly toy, rattle, or pacifier can entertain them just enough to keep them from crying.

Playing Gentle Music

Singing is mentioned above, and you can soothe a baby with a well-sung lullaby. Of course, not everyone has the voice of an angel. But you don’t need lyrics. Playing gentle music can help calm a baby through a crying tantrum, and they can learn favorite tracks from a very young age. We’ve all seen dancing babies on YouTube! If you’re having a hard time deciding between Taylor Swift or Metallica for your baby, there are baby songs designed for younger ears!

Stop Your Baby From Crying with a Warm Bath

Is there anything more relaxing and soothing than a warm bath after a long day? As an adult, a bath can melt away a lot of the day’s stress. And it also works for babies. We will never know if babies consciously worry, but they sure do seem to be stressed about something most of the time, and around 10% of babies are considered genuinely difficult. CBD is out of the question for an infant. So do them a favor and draw a warm bath for some slippery, soothing time in the tub!

A Tiny Little Massage

Little fingers, little toes, and everything else are so cute in your bundle of joy. They’re even so cute we allude to eating them! Hopefully, everyone is joking about that! Worries aside, those little piggies are really sensitive, and just like adults, babies can reap the benefits of a massage. Massaging a newborn or toddler is proven to help form bonds between parents and babies. It also helps them sleep better, reduces stress, and promotes healthy brain development.


A nursing and feeding plan can help provide nourishment to your newborn, helping to stop your baby from crying unnecessarily. Getting outside also provides health benefits such as fresh air and socialization. Also, massaging your baby reduces stress levels resulting in less crying.