Last Updated on February 26, 2025
In relationships, trust is the foundation that holds everything together. But what happens when that trust is shattered? Cheating is a betrayal that can leave even the strongest among us reeling. In this article, we delve into 19 jaw-dropping cheating stories that will leave you shaken.
From the outrageous to the heart-wrenching, these cheating stories reveal the shocking lengths some people will go to deceive their partners. Prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as we explore the dark side of love, relationships, and cheating stories. These cheating stories will make you question everything you thought you knew about trust and fidelity. The heartache, the deception, the aftermath—these cheating stories will leave an impact you won’t soon forget.
- 19 Jaw-Dropping Cheating Stories
- Story #1: Fiancé and Best Friend Betrayal
- Story #2: He Gave Her His Kidney, She Gave Him Heartache
- Story #3: My Present Boyfriend Got Married to Another Woman
- Story #4: The Godmother Affair, A Decade of Deception
- Story #5: Girlfriend Cheats While I Slept in Our Bed a Room Away
- Story #6: A Secret Porn Star Wife
- Story #7: My Girlfriend and I Shared the Same Secret Lover
- Story #8: Boyfriend Hooked Up with Girlfriend's Mom for Revenge
- Story #9: Four Boyfriends, One Purse
- Story #10: Engaged to One Man, Then Gets Married to Another Man
- Story #11: Surprised My Girlfriend, But I Got the Surprise
- Story #12: Pregnant and Cheated On, Plus HPV
- Story #13: A Birthday Present He Didn't Ask For
- Story #14: A Not-So Best Friend
- Story #15: Husband Cheats with Wife's Maid of Honor
- Story #16: Husband's Affair Ruins Daughter's Name
- Story #17: Husband Leaves Hospital for Girlfriend Just After Newborn Son Was Born
- Story #18: Online Catfish Gone Wrong
- Story #19: 'You Didn't Get Mad Enough'
- Final Words…
19 Jaw-Dropping Cheating Stories
Story #1: Fiancé and Best Friend Betrayal
“Went on a camping trip with my new fiancé and friends. I was sick, went to bed early in our tent, and woke up to my guy and best friend of 15 years having sex next to me. He broke my heart, so I broke his nose.”
Story #2: He Gave Her His Kidney, She Gave Him Heartache
“This happened to a guy I knew in high school. He was married to a girl for several years that ended up needing a kidney transplant. He was a match and gave her one of his kidneys instead of having her wait on the transplant list. Just three months after the surgery, she cheated on him and divorced him.”
Story #3: My Present Boyfriend Got Married to Another Woman
“My boyfriend got married while we were dating and then called me up after he returned from his honeymoon. He told me he was gone for work. I met his new wife when she caught us at his office together. I had no idea…”
Story #4: The Godmother Affair, A Decade of Deception
“I got talking to a woman on public transport randomly, just normal polite chit chat before she turned to me with a grave look and said ‘my husband had an affair.’ I apologized because I didn’t really know how else to respond. She told me, of the 12 years they had been married, he’d been seeing someone else for seven. They had three kids 17, 13, and 6. The woman he’d been seeing was his best friend. She was a huge part of their lives, their oldest son’s godmother. She had Sunday lunch with them all almost every week.”
Story #5: Girlfriend Cheats While I Slept in Our Bed a Room Away
“My girlfriend of five-and-a-half years cheated on me while I was asleep in the next room (in our bed). I found out the next day. I remember her coming in to kiss me at some point in the night. I never had the stones to ask whether it was before or after.”
Story #6: A Secret Porn Star Wife
“I had a former coworker find out his wife was filming a lot of amateur porn, being paid next to nothing after being married for a few years. He found out when he found one of her DVDs hidden in the house. He assumed it was a gift for his birthday in two weeks and watched it when she wasn’t around. When he confronted her, her only reply was she was doing it for him. He imploded after that and needed counseling for a few months after the divorce was finalized.”
Story #7: My Girlfriend and I Shared the Same Secret Lover
“I had been seeing this girl for about four months and she was starting to bore me. I decided to just flirt with a few guys and just have fun but never act on it. I talked to one guy for a day and a half, and he asked me out. I said no but maybe someday. I lied and said I wasn’t ready for a relationship. Anyways, he FaceTimes me while I’m with my girlfriend and he looks at her once and hangs up. She calls him right after and starts yelling at him. We were cheating on each other with the same guy.”
Story #8: Boyfriend Hooked Up with Girlfriend’s Mom for Revenge
“An old coworker of mine nailed his girlfriend’s mom after they were together for four years.”
Story #9: Four Boyfriends, One Purse
“I heard this story from a friend who’s friends with a girl who has four boyfriends. On her birthday, she requested that all four boyfriends buy her the same purse (neither knew of each other). The boyfriends complied, and she sold three of the purses for money, and kept one of them. All four boyfriends are extremely pleased when they see her wearing the ‘purse he got her.’ This story sickens me to the core…”
Story #10: Engaged to One Man, Then Gets Married to Another Man
“Friend of mine’s fiancée went and married her coworker who she had only known for a month. In Vegas. While she was still engaged to my friend.”
Story #11: Surprised My Girlfriend, But I Got the Surprise
“My ex and I were dating for 2.5 years. I came back from a business trip without telling her when I was coming home so I can surprise her. I walked into my apartment and saw her f–king my younger brother on the kitchen counter. I was devastated. My scummy brother didn’t apologize or anything. I just grabbed my stuff and walked right out.”
Story #12: Pregnant and Cheated On, Plus HPV
“My friend found out her husband cheated on her when she was six months pregnant with their third child. She decided to stay with him for the sake of the kids. Less than a year later, he admits that it wasn’t just that one time and he had been cheating on her throughout the entire relationship (dated two years, married for nine). She had an irregular pap smear and discovers he gave her HPV. Her doctor found pre-cancerous cells on her cervix. She had to have it removed and go through radiation treatment.”
Story #13: A Birthday Present He Didn’t Ask For
“Friend of a friend woke up to his girlfriend f–king a stranger in their bathroom on his birthday.”
Story #14: A Not-So Best Friend
“My ex-boyfriend told me he had to work on our anniversary, which also happened to be the night before my birthday. I was disappointed but whatever. Next day he tells me his kidneys (he has a bad kidney problem that gets worse when he drinks) are acting up and he can’t come to my birthday dinner. Come to find out he was drinking and f–king one of my best friends the night of our anniversary.”
Story #15: Husband Cheats with Wife’s Maid of Honor
“A friend of mine was dating this guy for seven years before they finally got married. They got divorced after one month of being married because she found out he was cheating on her with her maid of honor. The maid of honor tried to get him to go for alimony, too.”
Story #16: Husband’s Affair Ruins Daughter’s Name
“My husband cheated on me with a woman that shares the same name as our daughter. I haven’t called my daughter by her name in a long while, just nicknames. And yes, I forgave him. I know he’s sorry. He knows he f–ked up on a huge scale. He has done/is doing his best to make it right. But I’ll never forget it.”
Story #17: Husband Leaves Hospital for Girlfriend Just After Newborn Son Was Born
“A friend told me her husband went from her hospital bed (where she just gave birth to their son) to his girlfriend’s house to spend the night. Later she told him to end it or she was leaving him. He told her that he didn’t want to end it with the girlfriend because he was interested in seeing where the relationship went. He also didn’t want a divorce, just in case the girlfriend thing didn’t work out. Unbelievably, when the girlfriend broke up with him, he went back to my friend, AND SHE TOOK HIM BACK!”
Story #18: Online Catfish Gone Wrong
“My brother’s friend had been talking to another girl on a dating website for months. Finally, his girlfriend asked him if he was talking to another girl. He said no. She confessed that she was the girl from the website.”
Story #19: ‘You Didn’t Get Mad Enough’
“My fiancée had an affair. I took her back. Found a way to forgive. THEN, she broke up with me. ‘You didn’t get mad enough,’ she explained.”
Final Words…
In relationships, trust is the foundation that holds everything together. But what happens when that trust is shattered? Cheating is a betrayal that can leave even the strongest among us reeling. In this article, we delve into 19 jaw-dropping cheating stories that will leave you shaken.
From the outrageous to the heart-wrenching, these cheating stories reveal the shocking lengths some people will go to deceive their partners. Prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as we explore the dark side of love, relationships, and cheating stories. These cheating stories will make you question everything you thought you knew about trust and fidelity. The heartache, the deception, the aftermath—these cheating stories will leave an impact you won’t soon forget.
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Trust Issues With Your Partner? Find Out What Cheating Says About a Person | 2024
Relationship Advice: Can a Relationship Go Back to Normal After Cheating?
Does the pain of cheating ever go away?
Even though adultery causes severe emotional damage, you can eventually move past your hurt and find relief. However, after experiencing cheating stories, be prepared for a rough journey towards serenity. These cheating stories make it less probable that you will be able to move on from the infidelity and never worry about it again. As you process the hurt caused by cheating stories, healing is still possible, but the road to recovery might feel longer. Ultimately, learning from cheating stories can offer you a new perspective, even if you carry the scars of betrayal.
How does a cheating husband treat his wife?
He is cunning. A husband who cheats on you will take advantage of your emotional vulnerability and cause you to doubt your memories of what happened. The ability of a man to even blame you and your actions for his infidelity is one of the most obvious indicators that he is cheating in a marriage. If you’re experiencing this, you’re not alone—many people have similar cheating stories where manipulation and gaslighting are used to cover up the truth. These cheating stories often involve emotional manipulation, where the cheater tries to make you question your reality. The cheating stories shared by others who have been through similar experiences can help you understand these patterns and gain clarity about what’s happening in your marriage.
What are the three types of cheaters?
Three distinct personality types—sociopaths, narcissists, and lonely hearts—have been linked to a higher chance of cheating, according to research on infidelity and cheating stories. Many cheating stories reveal how sociopaths and narcissists are often involved in deceitful relationships. Cheating stories usually highlight the role of lonely hearts too, as they are more prone to infidelity, according to research. These types of cheating stories demonstrate the connection between certain personality traits and the likelihood of cheating.
Meet Kourtney, a writer specializing in sex and relationships. Known for her honest and insightful approach, she explores themes of intimacy and personal growth. Her work combines personal anecdotes, expert opinions, and practical advice, helping readers navigate the complexities of modern relationships and embrace their desires. Kourtney's writing serves as a guide for those seeking authentic and fulfilling connections.
- Kourtney Anderson
- Kourtney Anderson
- Kourtney Anderson
- Kourtney Anderson